Understand the science of being transgender, presented in layman’s terms.
The Complexity of Defining Someone’s Sex or Gender
With so much trans vs anti-trans conversation of late, exhortations to “go with the genetics” or “go with the birth sex” are unfortunately off the mark. These folks likely aren’t intentionally incorrect, but rather just uninformed.
What is intersex?
What is intersex and how does it occur?
Feel like the right gender in the wrong body? The answer to gender dysphoria may be in your brain’s BSTc.
Right gender, wrong body? Look to your brain’s BSTc or INAH-3 for answers to gender dysphoria.
Wondering,”Why am I gay?” It may be your brain’s suprachiasmatic nucleus.
If you’re a man who feels sexually attracted to men, both men and women, or neither, and you wonder why, read on….