Understand the science of being transgender, presented in layman’s terms.
The Complexity of Defining Someone’s Sex or Gender
With so much trans vs anti-trans conversation of late, exhortations to “go with the genetics” or “go with the birth sex” are unfortunately off the mark. These folks likely aren’t intentionally incorrect, but rather just uninformed.
Sex is Not Binary
How Binary Sexual Development Could Work – But Doesn’t You’re probably aware that computers work based on bits that are set or not set. These translate to ones and zeros—1s (on, or set) and 0s (off, or not set). Having spent many years as a software engineer, I’ll run through a possible implementation of how sexual development could work if […]
What is Transgender?
Transgender, scientifically known as gender dysphoria, is the condition in which a person’s sexual anatomy differs from what certain brain structures determine their gender identity to be.
What is the Equality Act? (and why should you care?)
The Equality Act would modify the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to explicitly state that “sex” includes sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy, childbirth, a related medical condition, and sex-based stereotypes.
Response to the Pope’s “Responsum of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the faith to a dubium regarding the blessing of the unions of persons of the same sex, 15.03.2021”
It has oft been said that the complexity of DNA, the genes, the instructions to create life from those genes, is indicative of God’s creation. It is held that this complexity of life could not have occurred randomly in nature, and must have been designed by the blessed hand of a creator.
What is intersex?
What is intersex and how does it occur?
Feel like the right gender in the wrong body? The answer to gender dysphoria may be in your brain’s BSTc.
Right gender, wrong body? Look to your brain’s BSTc or INAH-3 for answers to gender dysphoria.